Inspire Every Child is a visionary non-profit foundation established in 2005 to donate uplifting books to support and inspire young children in need.

Sometimes, one special book is all it takes to ignite a child's passion for reading and
 learning. Children who grow up in poverty or distressed situations are much more 
likely to drop out of school and repeat the cycle of poverty. By providing these children
 with inspiring, uplifting books, we help them survive and take pride in their learning 

Your donation can bring hope and encouragement to children whose lives have been touched by poverty, neglect or natural disasters. All donations go directly to help the children. With your help, we can impact generations of children around the world.

Inspire Every Child was founded by the owners of Illumination Arts, an award-winning publisher of inspirational children's picture books. The foundation's officers and directors receive no compensation for their efforts, so all donations go directly to help children.

We donate inspiring children's books to libraries, schools, churches, and other organizations whose activities support disadvantaged children throughout the world. All donated books are non-denominational, focusing on the oneness of all humanity and honoring every person regardless of race, caste or creed.
​About Inspire Every Child

John Thompson
13023 NORTH EAST HWY 99, STE-7, PMB-8

@ All rights reserved for Inspire Every Child Foundation.